AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript
and XML. Many popular websites make use of AJAX, for example Google
and Twitter. To understand why it's being used, we have to
understand how the traditional World Wide Web was meant to be built.
The web was intended to work like this: you use a web browser
application (eg. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on your
computer to visit a web page, by giving the browser that page's URL
address (eg. http://www.google.com). The browser, or client,
connects to a web server via the internet and requests that web page,
which is merely a text file, specifically an HTML file. That server
serves that file back to the client browser, and the browser displays
that page, also requesting any additional files such as images needed
to completely display that page. You can then click on a hyperlink
to visit another web page, and your browser goes and connects to
whatever web server is that file is stored on to get that page. But
as the web has matured, websites have gotten more complicated,
bigger, and more visual, and the basic HTML web model has become
obsolete. We moved from mostly text-based pages to websites
consisting of many web pages, all with consistent visual elements
(eg. logo in the top left, a navigational menu along the top or side,
a footer) which are there to make the web more user friendly. We've
also developed new technologies, like CSS, Javascript, and PHP, to
supplement our basic HTML websites, and one of these technologies is
Here's what AJAX does: it takes the old
web model, which is completely static, and makes it dynamic. In the
traditional web client-server model, the client browser requests a
page, gets it and displays it, and that's the end of the session. To
visit another web page, even if it's a page that's still part of the
same website stored on the same web server, the browser would have to
contact the server again, and even if the pages were mostly identical
outside of a block of text (say, the first one was an “about us”
page and the other was a “contact us” page), that page would have
to be completely re-loaded and re-displayed. Each page request is a
discrete and independent transaction. What AJAX allows the browser
to do is display the first page, and when you click on that link to
the “contact us” page, instead of going through all that trouble,
you stay on the “about us” page, but the browser uses AJAX to
request the “contact us” block of text, and after the server
serves the page back, then only that block of text changes.
Basically, AJAX allows us to request data from a server and display
it, without having to re-load or refresh the current page. When you
type into a Google search, and suggestions pop up, that's AJAX
working (Google loves AJAX; it's found in Gmail and Google Maps too).
AJAX's primary benefit is to decrease loading times and make moving
between pages a smoother experience, but with more clever utilization
like with Google, it can also allow for the creation of much more
extensive and robust web applications.
There are some drawbacks to using AJAX
on your website, though. First and foremost is that it's reliant on
Javascript being enabled in the user's web browser. If it's
disabled, then AJAX will not work, so fallbacks will be needed if you
want to replicate that functionality. Another issue comes with the
rising importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search
engines such as Google and Bing use “web crawlers” to scour the
web and to figure out what is contained on each web page. But with
AJAX, that content isn't static; it may change depending on what gets
clicked. Some older or more obscure web crawlers don't have any
Javascript functionality whatsoever, so AJAX content might not
register for them at all. Google has been trying to work out the
best way for their web crawlers to scan websites that use AJAX, but
it's still a work in progress. If you click an AJAX hyperlink, to
the user it's as if you may have gone from an “about us” page to
a “contact us” page, but to the browser, you're still on the same
page, so does Google treat that like one page or two? This is
related to another issue. Vanilla HTML is inherently a “stateless”
protocol (ignoring cookies and other workarounds for the moment),
which means that the server doesn't keep track of any data across
page requests (say, between the “about us” page and the “contact
us” page), but on the client side, the state of a static HTML web
page can be bookmarked and returned to later, via that page's URL.
But with AJAX, the content on a page can change without any change in
the URL, which means that the user has no way to return to the state
of that web page then. One solution? Pushstates.
Pushstates were recently introduced in
the latest HTML5 specification. What that basically means is that
only the newest versions of internet browsers will support it.
Still, it's a solution to the problem of tracking changing AJAX
content on the client end. A prior Google suggested solution for
this was known as the hashbang, which used “#!” in the URL, which
was difficult to implement and caused its own problems, but pushstate
is a lot more straightforward. Basically, you can use the new
History.pushstate() Javascript function to change the URL displayed
in the client browser, so that once you've dynamically changed the
initial “about us” page to the “contact us” content, you
change the URL in the address baras well. It does this by simply
adding (“pushing”) another URL (eg.
onto the browser history “stack” (which is the list of URLs
you've visited), so that when the user tries to bookmark the page
he's currently seeing, it doesn't bookmark the “about us” page
instead. Using this method does then require a way for the server to
deal with these new URLs, to serve the appropriate content if the
user visits the pushed state URL directly. And it's important to
remember that older browsers won't support this. But with this
combination of AJAX and Pushstate(), developers can create more
dynamic, user friendly, and search engine friendly websites and web
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